
What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is actually a rather natural state that you’ve likely experienced before. For instance, if you have shed a tear, laughed, jumped or found yourself excited at a movie; then you have experienced a profound hypnotic response. Even though we know movies aren’t real, but manufactured in Hollywood, these special effects, lighting, sound effect our minds. So even though you weren’t perhaps aware of deciding to do anything on purpose to make yourself cry or jump in your seat, another level of your mind subconsciously responded to the sensory experience from the movie.

Scientists estimate that 95% of what we feel or do is driven by processes going on in the mind and body below our conscious awareness, and that only 5% of what we are doing at any given moment is conscious. The conscious mind is the part of our mind that we use to set goals, make decisions, and reason things out. Meanwhile, the part of our mind that is subconscious is doing many things such as keeping your breathing regulated and your heart beating; or processing sensory information from the environment like smells, sounds, body language of others, etc. The subconscious mind also stores memories, learned behaviors, belief systems, and governs “automatic” behaviors and responses, i.e. habits. So, you have to get this part of the mind involved for lasting change.
Hypnosis is a very safe and effective intervention.

But there are myths about hypnosis and so often people will fear loss of control, not remembering anything or having a spontaneous unpleasant memory. You remain awake and aware throughout the session. You are in full control of the experience, and will only respond to suggestions that make sense to you and are in your best interest. Essentially, all hypnosis is “self-hypnosis”.

I use Brain-based hypnotherapy for emotional pain intervention as it targets the brain for change. I will be teaching you ways to reach the whole brain for change, influencing how you want to feel, think and behave. So you can get your mind, brain and body to respond more the way you want. When I’m working with clients to change an emotional memory, the client will remain fully conscious with eyes open. The RETUNE method allows the client to recall a memory without reliving it, instead they remain empowered and fully, consciously, present WITHOUT having to recapture, re-live , or re-experience the event emotionally. It is often a surprising relief when my clients realize they at last have the ability to do this because they’ve change their brain response to this old information.

What if I am not able to be hypnotized?

The best candidates for clinical hypnosis are persons who are highly motivated to overcome a problem. Hypnosis cannot “magically” help you quit smoking or lose weight if you really don’t want to do these things. But, if you have a sincere desire to change, and ready, you’re likely to do very well and find it very rewarding.

For more information about clinical hypnosis, visit the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis website at www.asch.net.

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